The Underpinnings of UnderWoman

Myasthenia gravis aside, mispronouncing her own name was nothing new to UnderWoman.

The first words she can remember saying were “Wendy Do-It!”

And it stuck!

It stuck for her parents, Archer and Merrie. For her brothers, Scoot and Grog.

All of them, and those that would be added to their entourage over time, benefitted from a kind of exuberant individualism that belied what others on the block (the DuMores and BoyCotts, for example…) might see as obstacles.

So it goes for brand builder Wendy Dubit in the aftermath of a short but sudden flare....

After consulting with her doctors, while undergoing a round of in-home intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), she spends a few days under covers…and finds the time, the place, the climate delicious.

Into her boat-like bed she brings favorite books and poems – St. Exupery’s “Little Prince,” (in French and English), all things Seuss, T.S. Eliot, Hafiz and more. She brings pens and pencils of every color, sketch pads, writing pads.

She plays music, which has become the best medicine. She occasionally atomizes the room with fragrances of lilac, linden, orange blossom, night-blooming jasmine. She eats carrot-ginger soup with hearty bread, sips orange juice and seltzer zested with lemon, lime, kumquat and elixirs of elderflower and gentian.

She is refreshing her memory, savoring the present, envisioning the future.

Her moss-green satin comforter would make a great cape....

UnderWoman, a.k.a. Wendy Do-It, is underway!

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